Sequence diagram tutorial
Sequence diagram tutorial

Lucidchart lets you pick and choose your diagramming style.With complete access to all Lucidchart’s easy-to-use formatting capabilities, you can make your diagram fit your every specification. Once your sequence diagram is created, it can be customized with just a few clicks.When you do so, the spacing is automatically adjusted for a clean and professional feel. Simply click the “Use Markup” button again to add to or edit your markup. Your diagrams are living documents allowing you to continually refine your creations.


Lucidchart allows you to re-edit the markup to update a diagram that is on the page.While other tools may perform a similar function, Lucidchart stands out in more ways than one-we’ve managed to narrow it down to our top three. It frees up resources to improve efficiency overall,” said Ben Dilts, our co-founder and chief technology officer here at Lucid Software. Our new UML sequence markup tool gets me to a great diagram faster, and I’m thrilled to share this time-saving feature with our users. “When I use Lucidchart, I’m trying to get a job done as quickly as possible. You’re able to spend less time trying to create your diagram and more time actually using it. It’s intuitive, it’s easy, and it’s fast.

sequence diagram tutorial sequence diagram tutorial

As soon as you click “OK,” the magic happens, generating a sequence diagram that follows industry standards for UML markup.

  • Enter your markup in the pop-up dialog that appears.
  • Select the “Use Markup” button in the UML Sequence category.
  • This premium tool allows you to generate a UML sequence diagram simply by typing your markup directly into Lucidchart: Gone are the days of dragging and dropping each shape to piece together a diagram. Our goal is to discover new ways to make your life easier, which is why we’re excited to introduce our UML Sequence Markup feature-aka your one stop for beautiful sequence diagrams created faster with less hassle. Here at Lucid Software, we are all about simplifying processes.

    Sequence diagram tutorial